Play Introduction

Julius Caesar, The New Oxford Shakespeare, (Oxford University Press, 2025).

Journal Articles

  • “The Anachronic Shakespeare 1623 Folio,” Shakespeare Quarterly, Volume 74, Issue 4, Winter 2023, Pages 339–361.

  • “‘Whither are you bound’: The Publication and Shaping of Shakespeare in 1623 and 1923,” Shakespeare Quarterly, Volume 74, Issue 3, Fall 2023, Pages 190–203. 

  • “Black ‘(un)bookishness’ in Othello and American Moor: A Meditation,” Shakespeare, 17:1 (2021), 49-53, DOI: 10.1080/17450918.2021.1892812.

Book Chapters

  • '[S]poyling, slaughter, and sondry torments': The spectre of early English atrocities. In Atrocity and Early Modern Drama. eds. Sarah E. Johnson and Georgina Lucas (Arden Bloomsbury Publishing, 2025).

  • “Editing Shakespeare and Race,” in The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Race, ed. Patricia Akhimie, (Oxford University Press, 2024).

  • “‘Inlaid with inkie spots of jet’: Early Modern Book History and Premodern Critical Race Studies,”  in The Oxford Handbook of the History of the Book in Early Modern England, ed. Adam Smyth (Oxford University Press, 2023).

  • “‘What manner of man was he?’ Will and the Making of Archival Blackness in Arden of Feversham.” in Arden of Faversham: A Critical Reader, eds. Peter Kirwan and Duncan Salkeld, (Bloomsbury, 2023), 144-167.

  • with Carissa M. Harris. “Manuscripts and Printed Books: Book History and Race” with Carissa M. Harris, in Seeing Race Before Race: Visual Culture and the Racial Matrix in the Premodern World, eds. Noémie Ndiaye and Lia Markey (ACMRS Press, 2023), 3-20.

  • “Fair/Foul,” in Shakespeare/Text, ed. Claire M.L. Bourne, Arden Shakespeare Intersection, (Bloomsbury, 2021), 31-49.


  • “Zachary Lesser, Ghosts, Holes, Rips and Scrapes: Shakespeare in 1619, Bibliography in the Longue Durée,” Papers of the Bibliographic Society of America 2023, no. 117 issue 3, 402-405 (1642 words). 

  • “The Routledge Anthology of Early Modern Drama, ed. Jeremy Lopez,” Shakespeare Studies 2022, Vol. 50, 225-231 (2249 words). 

  • “Typographies of Performance in Early Modern England by Claire M.L. Bourne,” Early Theatre: A Journal associated with the Records of Early English Drama. Vol. 24, Number 1, 2021, 185-188. Project MUSE (1562 words)

  • “‘Play Review: Emilia.” Cahiers Élisabéthains, A Journal of English Renaissance Studies(February 2021).  (1475 words).  

  • “A harbinger of the much more to come’: an (un)timely review of Women, “Race,” & Writing in the Early Modern Period,” in The Hare 5.1: Critical Race Studies, September 2020 (2949 words).

Encyclopedia Entry

Public Humanities Interviews and Articles

In Progress


  • Representations of Books and Readers in English Renaissance Drama.

 Play edition

  •  Adams, Brandi K. and Jonathan Hope, William Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor, Cambridge Shakespeare Editions, General Editors, M.J. Kidnie, Sonia Massai, Gillian Woods.