Play Introduction
Julius Caesar, The New Oxford Shakespeare, (Oxford University Press, 2025).
Journal Articles
“The Anachronic Shakespeare 1623 Folio,” Shakespeare Quarterly, Volume 74, Issue 4, Winter 2023, Pages 339–361.
“‘Whither are you bound’: The Publication and Shaping of Shakespeare in 1623 and 1923,” Shakespeare Quarterly, Volume 74, Issue 3, Fall 2023, Pages 190–203.
“Black ‘(un)bookishness’ in Othello and American Moor: A Meditation,” Shakespeare, 17:1 (2021), 49-53, DOI: 10.1080/17450918.2021.1892812.
Book Chapters
'[S]poyling, slaughter, and sondry torments': The spectre of early English atrocities. In Atrocity and Early Modern Drama. eds. Sarah E. Johnson and Georgina Lucas (Arden Bloomsbury Publishing, 2025).
“Editing Shakespeare and Race,” in The Oxford Handbook of Shakespeare and Race, ed. Patricia Akhimie, (Oxford University Press, 2024).
“‘Inlaid with inkie spots of jet’: Early Modern Book History and Premodern Critical Race Studies,” in The Oxford Handbook of the History of the Book in Early Modern England, ed. Adam Smyth (Oxford University Press, 2023).
“‘What manner of man was he?’ Will and the Making of Archival Blackness in Arden of Feversham.” in Arden of Faversham: A Critical Reader, eds. Peter Kirwan and Duncan Salkeld, (Bloomsbury, 2023), 144-167.
with Carissa M. Harris. “Manuscripts and Printed Books: Book History and Race” with Carissa M. Harris, in Seeing Race Before Race: Visual Culture and the Racial Matrix in the Premodern World, eds. Noémie Ndiaye and Lia Markey (ACMRS Press, 2023), 3-20.
“Fair/Foul,” in Shakespeare/Text, ed. Claire M.L. Bourne, Arden Shakespeare Intersection, (Bloomsbury, 2021), 31-49.
“Zachary Lesser, Ghosts, Holes, Rips and Scrapes: Shakespeare in 1619, Bibliography in the Longue Durée,” Papers of the Bibliographic Society of America 2023, no. 117 issue 3, 402-405 (1642 words).
“The Routledge Anthology of Early Modern Drama, ed. Jeremy Lopez,” Shakespeare Studies 2022, Vol. 50, 225-231 (2249 words).
“Typographies of Performance in Early Modern England by Claire M.L. Bourne,” Early Theatre: A Journal associated with the Records of Early English Drama. Vol. 24, Number 1, 2021, 185-188. Project MUSE (1562 words)
“‘Play Review: Emilia.” Cahiers Élisabéthains, A Journal of English Renaissance Studies(February 2021). (1475 words).
“A harbinger of the much more to come’: an (un)timely review of Women, “Race,” & Writing in the Early Modern Period,” in The Hare 5.1: Critical Race Studies, September 2020 (2949 words).
Encyclopedia Entry
‘Education, Book History, and Race,’ in “Racialization in the Early Modern Period” ed. Carol Mejia-LaPerle for Oxford Bibliographies in Renaissance and Reformation.
Public Humanities Interviews and Articles
“Race & The Archive,” with Professor Urvashi Chakravarty, Folger Shakespeare Library Critical Race Conversations, March 8, 2021, online
“Shakespeare Hour Live: Shakespeare and the Novel,” with Simon Godwin, Dr. Drew Lichtenberg , Alexandra Petrie, and Jane Smiley, Shakespeare Theater DC, February 23, 2021, online.
“Introduction to Henry VIII,” for The Show Must Go Online, November 2020.
“The King and Not I: Refusing neutrality,” in The Sundial, Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Studies, June 2020.
“Early Modern Book History and History of Race,” A Bit Lit, Interview with Andy Kesson, March 2020.
“Mediators of the wor(l)d: editors, Shakespeare, and inclusion,” in Before Shakespeare, June 2018.
In Progress
Representations of Books and Readers in English Renaissance Drama.
Play edition
Adams, Brandi K. and Jonathan Hope, William Shakespeare's The Merry Wives of Windsor, Cambridge Shakespeare Editions, General Editors, M.J. Kidnie, Sonia Massai, Gillian Woods.